4 Benefits of Pretend Play

Jan 07, 2020
pretend play, benefits, benefits of pretend play, imagination, kids imagination

Kids of all ages love to play pretend whether it be at home or at school. If you ever find yourself worried that your child may be spending too much time playing pretend, think again. There are actually some pretty hefty benefits of pretend playtime.

  1. Cognitive Development. Pretend play teaches children how to draw logical conclusions.
  2. Social Skills. Pretend play helps children develop social skills in many ways, even if they're playing alone. As they play and create new characters, they will build emotion and relate to the feelings of these new make-believe friends.
  3. Inclusiveness. By creating new roles in their play stories, children will be learning that including others and playing with them is a good thing.
  4. Maturity. Role-playing will teach kids a lot about emotions, both expressing them and reacting.

Here are a few pretend play ideas and activities for kids:

  • Have them pretend an empty laundry basket is a spaceship.
  • Using their stuffed animals as patients, encourage them to pretend to be a veterinarian.
  • Set up their dolls at a table and have them host a tea party.

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